Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rules of Touching

The highly motivated individual or couple can begin to engage in specific graduated and frequent touch exercises to improve receptivity, sensation, and functioning. When a couple first begins a sexual relationship, the excitement and anticipation often result in heated and passionate romps between the sheets. Many people associate sex simply with the sexual organs: vagina, penis. Often nipples are given [some of] the attention they deserve as well. However, many people don't take the time to explore and discover the abundant other erogenous zones of the human body. And everyone's erogenous zones may vary—although the mind is usually the most prominent in most people. In order to discover these individual and unique places of arousal, touch is critical. Touch is extremely important to the development of healthy human development. As adults, within sexual relationships, touch is extremely important. Try incorporating [detailed] touch during foreplay. Whether with your hands, lips, even hair—if it's long, running it across your partner's body—you can caress and stimulate your partner, not only to create sexual arousal, but also relaxation.

Touch is necessary for mammals to thrive. How touch impacts health is a mystery, but it likely works on several levels:

Cements relationships Touching helps create bonds. These bonds provide vital social support and other benefits known to be linked to life expectancy.
Increases self-esteem: Self-esteem is largely our perception of worth. Frequent touching is a way to communicate worth to one another.
Provides physical stimulus: It is possible that touch releases hormones and other substances much like relaxation and meditation.


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